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The Administrative Regulations listed below are approved by the Mayor's Office:

24-11 - Fire Construction Services Fee

24-11: Exhibit A - Fire Construction Services Fee Schedule

24-07 - Private Activity Bond Fees

24-06 - Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI)

24-05 - Planning and Neighborhood Services Administrative Pass-Through Fees

24-04 - Development Review Enterprise Advisory Committee

24-03 - Community Development Advisory Committee

24-02 - Contract Signature Delegation

24-01 - Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Fees and Charges

23-11 - Right-of-way permit fee

23-10 - Pedestrian Safety Program Funding Fee

23-09 - 457 Deferred Compensation Plan Committee

23-08 - Eligible Employee Auto Allowance

23-07 - Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 & Limited English Proficiency

23-06 - Private Activity Bond Fees

23-05 - Westside Community Center Fees and Charges

23-04 - Community Development Advisory Committee

23-03 - Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Fees and Charges

23-02 - City Response to Threatening E-mails

23-01 - Fire Department Response Times

22-05 - Virtual Meeting Recording Policy

22-04 - Planning and Community Development Administrative Pass-Through Fees

22-03 - Technology and Information System Acquisition Policy

22-02 - Teleworking Program Policy 

22-01 - Contract Signature Delegation

21-04 - Private Activity Bond Fees

21-03 - Neighborhood Services Property Cleanup Administrative Fee

21-02 - Cell Phone Allowance

21-01 - Small Cell

20-07 - Teleworking Program Policy

20-06 - Cell Phone Allowance

20-05 - Electronic Signature Authority for City Agreements and Other Documents

20-04 - Private Activity Bond Fees

20-03 - User Fee Policy

20-02 - ADA Online Accessibility Policy

20-01 - DRE Fire Construction Service Fees

19-03 - Stormwater Erosion Control Fees     

19-02 - ADA Concrete Pedestrian Ramp Inspection Fee

19-01 - CORA Policy

18-03 - Planning and Community Development Administrative Pass-Through Fees

18-02 - Liquor and Beer Enforcement Policies

18-01 - Pedestrian Safety Program Funding Fee

15-02 - Nomination Committee, Appointments, Performance Measures and Retention for Municipal Judges

15-01 - Nomination Committee, Appointments, Performance Measures and Retention for Municipal Judges

14-01 - Contract Signature Delegation

14-01 - Administrative Leave without Pay when Criminal Charge is Pending

12-01 (Revised) - Contract Signature Delegation

12-01 - Contract Signature Delegation

11-04 - Limited English Proficiency

11-03 - Cell Phone Allowance

11-02 - Auto Allowance

11-01 - Financial Policies