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Mayor Yemi Mobolade today released the City’s 2024 Strategic Doing Framework, which includes actions that will be taken throughout this year to address community, City employee and Councilmember feedback collected in 2023. This framework will also help inform the City’s long-term strategic plan, which is actively being developed and will be published this summer. 

“If you aim for everything, you aim for nothing,” said Mayor Yemi. “Our Strategic Doing Framework is the City’s yearly focused action plan, and it is our agreement with the community to deliver on the areas they asked us to focus on in the near term. We’re grateful for the input from the Solutions Teams, the ideas and concerns shared by community members during the Listening Tour and all the feedback we’ve received from City staff and City Councilmembers. All of this input has informed these priorities and shaped this framework. Through these focus areas, we will move the City forward. It is how we will transparently build a more inclusive, culturally rich, economically prosperous, safe and vibrant Colorado Springs together.” 

The Strategic Doing Framework, which will be refreshed annually, is organized around five priorities, which are public safety, infrastructure, housing solutions, economic vitality and community activation. There are goals associated with each area, and a total of 20 initiatives that will be supported by cross-departmental teams and detailed workplans. In the spirit of transparency, the City will report its progress to the community through online dashboards at   

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